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Technical Writing

The written word is everywhere around us, so much so that we often don't even notice. If you have ever assembled a bookshelf, tried to operate a DVD  player or referred to an owner's manual, you have been exposed to technical writing. Technical writing is a craft that aims to provide technical, business or educational information.

Technical writing is probably the most widely read form of written communication around, with the exception of advertising. In a general sense, technical writing includes the 'how to' of life. A recipe or the directions for operating a cell phone can be considered technical writing.

Technical writing geared to the general public is only one small aspect of the field. Businesses use technical writing extensively to communicate information to management, employees and other businesses. Technical writing in business can include training manuals, employee guidelines or handbooks and other specialized writing that is task specific.

Educational textbooks are also considered a form of technical writing. A photography textbook, for example, is technical writing that informs the reader about how to optimize lighting when photographing a subject or how to use a camera for special effects. The vast array of textbooks in the world all communicate information through technical writing with the sole purpose of instruction and education.

Whether information on technology, assembly instructions or owner's manuals, technical writing aims to portray a message that is clear, concise and, most importantly, helpful to the readers that it is intended for. Although technical writing is very different from creative writing such as fiction and poetry, a technical writer must have a certain kind of creativity. Because technical writing is often dull, a good technical writer must come up with a way to engage the intended audience in order for the readers to understand and assimilate the information.

Technical writing is arguably more difficult than other forms of writing because of the fact that it must be clear and to the point. Good technical writing should not leave any room for imagination and it must anticipate and answer any questions or problems that may arise. This aspect of technical writing is often seen in 'frequently asked questions' and 'trouble shooting'.

The demand for technical writers is high, which makes a career in technical writing a great option for many writers or others who have great organizational, grammar and communication skills. Technical writing provides a good salary and is often available to freelancers as well as onsite employees. There are many training programs available for people who wish to enter the field of technical writing.